Animal Trails – Tell Us About Your Animal!
By Ms. Gibb
Which animal did you pick?
Common Name - Little Brown Bat
Scientific Name - Myotis lucifugus
What does this animal look like?
The little brown bat is really little. Little brown bats are 3-3 3/4 in. long and weight only ¼ ounce. Their fur is a dark brown color, but their wings are covered by a glossy brown skin. Their ears are also a glossy brown. There are several species of brown bat in Missouri and you have to look close to tell them apart.
Where can you find this animal? What is its habitat?
When little brown bats are out and flying, they like the edge between open areas (good for flying) and denser areas (good for insects). When winter comes, the bats head for caves and mines in the Ozarks. The males and females spend the rest of the year roosting apart. They can be found in any protected crack or cranny, from rock walls and trees to attics or shingles of a house!
What does this animal eat?
Flying insects, they will eat up to half their weight in insects, which makes them good to have around. That is a lot of mosquitos!
What predators does your animal have to avoid?
The little brown bat has many predators. Owls, snakes, bullfrogs, mink, raccoon and rodents, just to name a few.
About how long does your animal live in the wild?
They can live up to 34 years, but very few do.
What things could your animal leave behind for a hiker to find? (Tracks, nest, scat, etc.)
Bats leave behind guano, which is the term used for their scat. The guano brings nutrients from the outside into caves. Humans even use it as fertilizer!
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